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Heart Attack and stopped smoking.

Ugh it's hard to do . I been smoking over 40 yrs and cold turkey it. I don't know what answers looking for other than somebody who understands
This is me the day I started heart rehab phase 2. First of may will officially be first day

  1. Hi , Thanks for being here and opening up to the community. First, I want to say that what you are doing is ANYTHING but easy, so you deserve huge kudos! I hope you are proud of yourself because we definitely are! I'd love for others who have quit smoking for their health to chime in here. Keep up the good work! -Jessica, Team Member

    1. Yes thankyou it's by far harder than most think . You would have to be a smoker for over 40 yrs I think I started at 15 and I'm 62 . So yes hard . But like I said sometimes I want to say forget it . It's too late now to reverse that damage now I must pay @

      1. HI. One of my jobs at my work is to coach people on strategies for quitting, so I can certainly empathize on how difficult of a task quitting smoking can be. How long has it been now since you quit? I also thought you might enjoy some articles on the benefits of quitting from one of our sister sites. Did you know that quitting smoking has been proven to prolong your life? Here is an article ( on this topic. And here ( is another article that discusses both the short term and the long term benefits of quitting. Many of my patients find this list quite impressive. Perhaps these articles will give you some added motivation to continue on your non-smoking journey the next time you have one of your "forget it" moments. Keep up the good work. John. community moderator

        1. Thankyou I will ck those out . And I haven't had a cig for a month I quit in icu .

        2. A month! Congratulations. That has to have you feeling proud of yourself. 😀 Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator

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