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Interpretation of scan


Can anyone offer any insight as to the results of this scan?
Father in law, recent amputee due to vascular disease/DVT, took a bit of a turn but doctors didn't really explain why. I believe they mentioned irregular beat but unfortunately no one asked any questions.

  1. Good morning. Hi. I am sorry that no one has gotten back to you on your question here. For some reason I missed your post and am just now seeing it for the first time. Sorry to hear about your father in law facing these problems. Although, he is very fortunate to have you on his side to ask questions on his behalf. While the rhythm strip in the picture is blurry, it does appear to be an irregular beat. Did you talk to your father in law's doctor to get a more thorough explanation of this? How is he doing today? How are YOU doing? Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

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