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Can someone help me understand…

Hi friends. I went to the ER yesterday. I had been having labored breathing and thought it was from a previous sickness. I was at work and I started shaking, short of breath, light headed, sweating, nauseous. Went to ER. They did 2 troponin tests, both came back normal, oxygen level was near perfect, bp was only slightly elevated, ekg done- Dr said no red flags from it and I was sent home. Today I got another test result in that said ECG abnormal, cannot rule out anterior infarct. I see my pcp In a few days but I am wondering what that means? I was told everything was ok and now I am worried. Stil short of breath btw. Thanks all.

  1. Truth is you just don't know! I wouldn't worry until there is something to worry about. I would follow up with your pcp and take it from there. I wish you all the best. Kimberly ( team)

    1. You are right. Thank you!

      1. Dear Cauliflower: (or should it be "cabbage"😉 Is the "pcp" a cardiologist? You need an explanation for the abnormal ECG (EKG?) and if Dr. can't explain why you had those symptoms and why the test was abnormal or why you are still short of breath, you should get yourself to a cardiologist asap. After my heart attack and quadruple bypass, I had an episode with chest pain and I had an abnormal EKG and was admitted for observation overnight and they found a blood clot on one of the arteries to the heart and put me on Eliquis. If the Dr can't explain the symptoms I would take that as time to change Drs. Just my opinion as everyone has one. Luckily, the Eliquis dissolved the clot and I am fine now (I think lol).

        1. I saw my pcp, she said “several things can make an ekg abnormal” and didn’t seem concerned. Also didn’t address the inflammation that showed slightly elevated on a CRP-HS test. She did however make an appointment to get an echo and stress test. And you are right, I definitely need a cardiologist and am going to ask her for a referral. You have had a tough go of it. I’m glad you are doing better. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I took care of my mother last year when she had double bypass.

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