Tears of the Dove

My name is Clara. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF) in 2021. Being diagnosed with COPD and emphysema 2019 led to my CHF diagnosis. My pulmonary doctor said that's what led to right-sided diastolic heart failure and pulmonary hypertension too.

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Since 2019, I've been on oxygen therapy. I can't lie, it's unsettling, to say the least. Just walking from my living room to the bathroom, my oxygen drops from 97 to below 80. I have become a "hermit" confined to my home. I'm also on two antidepressants to keep me sane.

I'm 69, and often I feel I have lost my luster for life. No longer can I embrace it as I did before the diseases racking my body, but I have not lost my will to live because of my faith and hope in Christ Jesus. I will continue to look to the hills which cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord.

Looking to the hills .

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