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My Cardiologist asked me to give my data to a billing company!

Hi, Everyone!

My Cardiologist have recently been changed because the previous one moves out of country. Now there's a new one for all my check ups, it's kind a whole new process with them.

I've been asked for my demographics and decease data by a company called . My practitioner referred them. My concern is:
Why they need all the information? Why they're contacting me directly? Is there any possibility they can use my information wrongly? Is this any kinda fraud?
Any help would me much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

  1. Its possible but you cant say. I would look more into it if I was you.
    Kimberly (Heart-failure

    1. Hi, Kimberly! Thanks for replying.

      I am looking more in to it. I gave all my data to the practitioner, IDK why they want me to give to that company. Maybe because of their bill reimbursement, but I've submitted all my deductibles.

      1. I think you're very wise to be cautious here. Please keep us posted on how it's going! - John M. ( Team)

      2. I hear your concern. I agree with my colleagues and that you should be very careful. A few years ago when I was working with a mortgage company to purchase a home. When I started getting emails from other companies asking for my information. Not knowing if I could trust them, I called my mortgage person who reassured me that those were sites they worked with and trusted. So, perhaps the best place for you to start is simply by calling your doctor's office to make sure these are sites that they work with and trust. What do you think? John. community moderator

    2. Hi, !
      I've asked my doctor and they've told me that the company is trusted and legit.
      It's just my doctor's practice is not good at maintaining EMR / EHR, that's why they outsourced it to Medcare MSO and this is the reason the company is asking for my records.
      Thanks so much all of you.

      1. Thank you for the update. Good to know. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator

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