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Code survivor

I coded during my stenting procedure in September 2021. Fortunately I woke back up. Anyone else here come back after cardiac arrest? It is a strange feeling to know you essentially died. How do you cope with this? They said I was not down very long. But it does not take much to end up with cognitive difficulties. I don't think I have any beyond "normal" aging. How about you?

  1. Yes, I have coded after having a day after having a cardiac ablation. It definitely wasn’t a fun experience and one I never want to experience again because I coded in front of my mother, who was a nurse at the time. It was one of the most traumatic experiences that I’ve ever experienced other than going through a heart transplant and almost dying a couple of times during and post transplant. As far as coping, I take one day at time. I try to keep my mind off of things by reading, listening to music, hiking, and traveling. It helps to do the things I love, but every now again it comes back to a reoccurring nightmare, which at that point I turn to music, talk to my family and friends about the nightmare. It’s better for me to talk about it rather than keep everything bottled up. Leslie (Community Moderator)

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. These are excellent suggestions. I am just figuring out retirement and don't have as many go to's yet. I myself have taken to celebrating code day as a second birthday. Trying to reclaim the date. Mine is September 21. You can wish me a happy birthday!

    2. I’m glad you’re making an eventful event into a positive outlook. I have coded a few times in my life, so unfortunately I don’t remember all the dates, but I do celebrate 2 of my experimental open heart surgeries and my heart transplant every year. I will mark the date on my calendar to wish you a happy birthday. Wishing you good health. Leslie (Community Moderator)

  2. I have coded 3 times in 2016 and 3 times in 2020. I do know I am no longer scared when I do pass away. I share the stories of it as it is vivid to me. Some listen some dont. I am.just happy to wake up everyday!!

    1. Glad you are still here to share your experience. I’ve also coded a few times in the past. Not a fun experience, but thankful to have lived through it. Leslie (Community Moderator)

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