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Diastolic ( R ) Sided CHF

I was diagnosed with Diastolic ( R ) Sided CHF in 2019 . And PH & COPD . My life has truly been altered . After contracting Pneumonia too that is when the hospital began giving me Oxygen Therapy. I have been on OT 3 yrs.. Presently Oxygen Saturation is 3 . What depresses me is knowing there are only two meds to treat my CHF . In which they prescribed both and my Immune System rejected it . So now only on Torseimide 40mg daily . I will continue to hope that Medical Science will discover more effective treatment for my issues.

  1. Be encouraged, you are strong inspite of it all.
    Kimberly ( Team)

    1. Hi. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us. And thank you for the picture of yourself. Sorry to hear that your immune system rejected your medicine. As you can see by articles like this (, researchers are working overtime to develop new treatments for heart failure, and ideally an eventual cure for this disease. So, we are hoping right along with you. And as we learn about anything new, we will be sure to report it on our website for you. I see you posted this a few days ago. How are you doing today? John. community moderator.

      1. I too have Diastolic Heart Failure - diagnosed 2 years ago. Now on 2 L of oxygen at night and 3 L with activity. I also have AFIB and am on a blood thinner and one of the last two drugs that help treat AFIB. Others did not work. Have been told I will need Aortic Valve surgery in one to two years. Just got a pacemaker one month ago for heart rate of 48 for last two years and shortness of breath. More stamina right now and not always needing the oxygen with activity depending on what that is. I wish you well and hopefully science will help benefit you.

        1. Hello sir, you are dealing with a lot. I have all the same as you, and add on afib. I am on 4L o2 24/7 and bipap at night. They definitely need more options of medication. I am on Verapamil and Coreg., also Lasix. My concern is that you are also being treated for your PH and COPD. I was diagnosed with PAH December 2021. Since being on powerful medication, I am managing better. HF, COPD, PAH can all effect each other. I pray you get the medical help you need in the future. Speak out, demand the care you deserve. Best wishes!

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