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So tired all the time, I'm fighting it aggressively, however I'm tired of the struggle.

  1. Hey , I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, but you are so strong for fighting! Unfortunately, this is something many here have dealt with, so you are definitely not alone. Are you able to get any support from friends or family? Please know we are always here for support! Wishing you a better day tomorrow. -Jessica, Team Member

    1. Me too. Every day…..

      1. Hi there, fatigue can be a tough symptom of heart failure. Have you been dealing with fatigue for long? Sometimes something as simple as opening the curtains and letting in the sunlight can help with fatigue. I'm linking an article that discusses ways to battle fatigue. I hope that you find this helpful! -Lauren (team member)

    2. As a heart failure survivor I can truly sympathize with the feeling of being fatigued. Sometimes even getting out of bed is a struggle. I know that being fatigued can make everything feel like things will never get better. You're going to have good days and you are definitely going to have bad days, but the key is to think positively and never give up. Take things slowly and give yourself some grace. Wishing you both all the best! -Olivia

      1. I have found that pacing myself helps with fatigue. When I go out for a walk then I make sure that when I get home I sit down with a cup of tea and rest. If I feel really tired then I will curl up on the sofa and have a nap for 20 minutes or so.

        1. Thank you for sharing your tips for dealing with fatigue. And this is exactly what we recommend to our patients at my work. Although, we usually don't mention the cup of tea while resting, but I think that is a great idea. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

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