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My chronic heart failure

Well back in 2008 they repaired my mitral valve and then in 2009 they had to replace it and I have a st Jude and I'm still ticking,but Dr. told me I had chronic heart failure and really dont know the difference between CHF Chronic HF???

  1. Hello and thank you for posting this question to the community. CHF is congestive heart failure and chronic heart failure is a condition where the blood isn't pumped efficiently to the body. The difference is that chronic means that it occurs over a longer period of time. I hope this helps. Olivia -Moderator

    1. Hi. Welcome to our community. And thank you for your question -- it is a good one. And I see you received a response from above, and I would like to say that I agree with her. We also have an article that I think you may enjoy that explains the difference between heart failure (acute) and heart failure (chronic). Here is the link to that article if you want to check it out ( What do you think? Do you find this information helpful? John. community moderator.

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