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Myocardial Perfusion Scan

Has anyone had this test and the consultant was unable to interpret the images?

  1. Hi. Thank you for the great question. Another term for this test is a nuclear stress test or stress test. It is a test where you are injected with radioactive substance. A picture of your heart is taken before and after you exercise. And this is done to see if there are any blockages inside your heart. We do have posts where others who have experienced this wrote about their experiences. I will post a link to these here ( Is this a test that you have had or are scheduled to have? John. community moderator.

    1. I've had the test; however, there was a problem with the scan, so it could not be interpreted. I was wondering if it had happened to others, and the reasons given for the failed scan.

      1. Thank you for the update. Sorry that there was a "problem with the scan" and it was unable to be "interpreted." It will be neat what others in the community have to say. I work in a hospital with people who work in nuclear medicine. Next time the opportunity comes up I will ask your question to them and see what they have to say. Or perhaps you can ask if you get your test repeated. Are you going to be able to get the test repeated? John community moderator.

    2. Its doubtful the test will done again. The reason offered re the fail was due to overlap in the scan images.

      1. Thank you for the update. Did your doctor refer you for other testing? Or is he/she going to manage your condition with what is currently know? Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

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