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What is the scariest symptom of heart failure?

In your personal opinion, what is the scariest symptom or complication of heart failure?

  1. Weakness

    1. Thank you for joining in on the conversation. Weakness is something that I struggle with as well. You feel like you can't do anything and you don't want to do anything. -Olivia

    2. Hi Susan, I'm so sorry to learn that you experience weakness. Heart failure can have some rough symptoms. Do you feel weak often? -Lauren (Team member)

  2. My scariest symptom: I will be doing nothing, just sitting watching tv or reading, and all of a sudden become very dizzy and feel like I am going to pass out. It’s scary because I am not exerting myself in any way, but my body is acting as if I was.

    1. Thank you for sharing with us. I understand the feeling like you're going to pass out I passed out twice while dealing with my heart failure. Unfortunately, it led to 2 strokes. I felt this way when I had arrhythmia too just constantly on alert. How do you manage it without driving yourself crazy? -Olivia

  3. Heart attack

    1. Hi there, thanks for joining the conversation. How long ago was your heart attack? How are you making out today? I hope you are doing well. -Lauren (Team member)

  4. Having sudden chest pain and how to react especially when alone.

    1. Thank you for chiming in! Have you spoken to your cardiologist to see what they think? I remember feeling like I was going to have an episode when I first got diagnosed with heart failure. I was even scared to sleep. How are you dealing with this? -Olivia

    2. Hi there, what you have described is truly scary. How did you go about reacting when this happened? I hope to hear that you are okay and doing better. All the best, Lauren (Team member)

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