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What are you thankful for?

Even amidst the challenges posed by heart failure, there remain compelling reasons to be thankful. What are you thankful for?

  1. In the past five years so much has changed. Soon , I will be divorced and eliminating a major stress factor ( I believe this is what brought on my HA 5 years ago). I am most thankful for the constants in my life- my two sons (one I am living with) my daughter inlaw, my grandson and granddaughter (which bring me so much joy) Rubi, my rescue pup, my career, and knowing soon I will be starting over at 61 years of age, and couldn't be happier. I am thankful that I wake each day, and sleep knowing I have accomplished so much. I am also thankful for my care team- they are the best! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃

    1. Thank you for chiming in! That is an amazing story of the gift of starting over. Congrats on your many accomplishments. I too left a toxic relationship when I was diagnosed with heart failure, and it was the best thing I ever did. Take care😀 Morgan ( Moderator)

    2. So sweet! I'm glad that you have a supportive family as you go through life changes. It seems that you are blessed with the gift of family. All the best, Lauren (Team member)

  2. I'm still here. Managing my condition. Still figuring it out.
    But I'm still here😍

    1. Thank you for chiming in and being a part of our community! We are so glad that you are doing well as well. Morgan ( Moderator)

    2. Hi there, just checking in to see how you are making out. I hope you are feeling well this winter. All the best, Lauren (Team member)

  3. I'm grateful that not only am I alive but that I'm stable and actually doing a little better, despite all odds. I'm grateful to live in France where health care is affordable and universal. I would have been ruined in my native country.

    1. We are glad that you are here with us and a member of this community. Happy Thanksgiving! -Lauren (team member)

  4. I had my first Heart-failure on 7/10/2010. They told me I had 4 days to live I would not be leaving the hospital. I told them they had 4 days to fix me up and get me back out camping. They did a heart cath found no plaque at all . They couldn't understand how I had the heart failure. Brief family history here , my mother died of Heart failure on Easter Sunday 1991. Dad had a massive heart attack 5 months later 2 days after his 73rd birthday. My brother had a massive heart attack in February of 2023 he was 79.
    In October this year my Pulmonologist found an S3 Gallop got me promptly to cardiology. This cardiologist sat down with myself, and my Pastor explained in detail why I needed an ICD/Pacemaker implant. The ICD/Pacemaker was implanted 11/13/24.
    I am very Thankful to God & Medical Teams who both want to preserve life. I feel I have a new lease on life. I believe in Prayer & Medicine. I am grateful I found this forum very helpful. -Dove74

    1. Hi Dove, I'm so happy that you have shared your success story! How are you feeling a few weeks out of your ICD/pacemaker? How has the recovery been? I hope it has been easy for you. All the best, Lauren (team member)

    2. I am glad that you found this group, and the forums, as well! That is an incredible story, and I am glad that modern medicine saved the day! Enjoy your weekend. Morgan ( Moderator)

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