Well, if it help you to feel better, that's not many pills. I am at the point where I feel I cant be help. For example, I cant take vitamin B12, which would be a tremendous help for me. I cant take it because of side effects and also because I take other meds that blocks the absorption of this Vitamin. I took one and I woke up with a headache. Another side effect is chest pains, palpitations, and other effect. I take meds to prevent chest pain...see what I mean? So if you feel better from taking 5 pills, that's great. My doctor took me off Lasix and Potassium. I drink plenty of fluids, half gallon a day. Anyway, I will try to get B12 from foods that I eat. Unfortunately, B12 is in meats such as beef, chicken, shrimp, and certain types of fish. Also certain types of fish can cause gout so I have to be very careful.