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Strange symptoms

My wife has CHF and while she does get tired easily, the most confusing symptom that I've actually never seen mentioned anywhere is every 4-5 days, she will get a dizzy spell, eventually lie down, and this is followed by what appears to be the dry heaves. Sometimes, she will spit every so often for a while because she said it feels like she has a lot of excess saliva.

Eventually, it will all pass and she'll be back to normal. I suspected that it might be caused by something she was doing or by over exertion, but we've kind of eliminated that.

Anyone ever experienced anything like this? Could it be a reaction to the medications?

Doctors don't seem to be too concerned about it and have never offered any explanation.

  1. I can understand how that could be confusing. I experienced everything but the excess saliva. I believe the rest is just about apart of CHF. Lots of time Doctors don't have explanation, I experience that lots of times. Sometimes we give Doctors new things to add to the list because everyone is different.
    Kimberly ( Team

    1. Did you ever find a way to control that? It seems like she gets one of these episodes every 4-5 days. When she was first diagnosed, they were pretty intense, but now they seem much less severe.

      She had one today and after lying in bed for about 15 minutes, it seemed to clear up without any further symptoms other than dizziness.

  2. I have this every day. The beta blocker I take makes me very sick. Horrible stomach ache, dizziness, dry heaving and diahrrhea. I'm thinking of discontinuing because of it. Even with CHF you shouldn't have to be sick all day every day. Dr. doesn't seem concerned, but then again, he's not the one who stays sick.

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