A jack-o-lantern, a black cat, candy corn, and bats

Spooky and Scary Symptoms of Heart Failure

It’s October, which means it is spooky season. While some people may be getting ready to get a good scare from costumes and haunted houses, some people are dealing with a much scarier real-life health concern – heart failure (HF). Getting an HF diagnosis and experiencing the symptoms of HF can be truly frightening.

There are many different symptoms of heart failure, and people can find out they have HF in different ways.

What is the scariest symptom or complication of heart failure? We asked our community members this question, and here’s what they had to say.

The exhaustion

Fatigue can be a sign of HF. It can develop because the heart can no longer pump blood to the body as well as it used to. This causes the body to redirect blood to the vital organs that need it most, like the brain. Reduced blood flow to the rest of the body can lead to feelings of extreme tiredness.1

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Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath, also called dyspnea, can be a scary sign of heart failure. This can result from blood leaking out of the pulmonary veins into the lungs.1

Read more about shortness of breath and people's experiences with it here:

Feeling faint

Some of our community members reported that the scariest symptom or complication of heart failure was feeling faint or like they were going to pass out. Lightheadedness or dizziness is a common symptom that sometimes results from heart rhythm or blood pressure changes. It can also be a side effect of some HF medicines.2

Fluid retention, AFib, and more

Community members also reported other scary symptoms of heart failure, like fluid retention, atrial fibrillation (AFib), and reduced independence. Many people with HF experience these symptoms.1

What is the scariest symptom of heart failure to you?

Heart failure symptoms can be scary all year round, and not just around Halloween. Join the community conversation about scary symptoms and complications.

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