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Does anyone have bad abdominal swelling?

Does anyone have bad abdominal swelling? I have it so bad if I bend over can't breathe.

  1. Hi. halfbaked. I see you posted this several days ago. How are you feeling today? Are you feeling better? John. Community Moderator.

    1. Yes I have been told this. Also have a list of foods I should avoid. I try, but sometimes it isn't easy. I'm trying to lose weight and eat smaller meals. Thank you for your advice.

    2. You are welcome. And I wish you all the best moving forward. John. community moderator

  2. Had horrible abdominal swelling in February 2021 when I was diagnosed with heart failure at age 54 with an EF of 25. After 4 stents and 3 months on meds and exercise there is no swelling in abdomen or legs. Follow up Echo scheduled in two weeks. Hoping for drastic improvement in EF.

    1. yes, I have abdominal swelling when things are going downhill. My doctor calls me "a tummy holder," meaning my abdomen holds fluids first. If my ankles are swol)en, it's unusual.

    2. Me too! They have me on 250 mg of tormisid but I'm still so swollen. It use to go all the way down I asked them to just drain it. But they say it's too invasive with NY heart failure

  3. Got ECHO results today. EF is up to 55. Very thrilled with the results.

    1. Hi Richard, just checking back in to see how you are making out these days. Has your EF increased since you last post in February? I know you were hoping to see a bump! Wishing you all the best, Lauren (team member)

    2. Hi there, just checking back in to see how you are making out. Have you had any repeat echos? Wishing you the best, Lauren (team member)

  4. I've seen some cases where they have worse abdominal swelling, and it is diagnosed as Hernia. Even I come to know when a person suffers with heart attach, the abdomen gets bulge. Is it true? Could anyone pls confirm this for me?

    1. Heart problems can sometimes lead to swelling throughout the body (including in the abdomen) but it's important to speak with your doctor(s) about this. Take care and we'll see you back here soon. - John M. ( Team)

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