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Amani Abdallah
Last Updated:
It’s okay to feel scared or overwhelmed, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone.
epiphany75 Member
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Heart failure diagnosis surely is scary but it is important to look at it with a proper perspective and bring about positive changes by
Regularly exercising
having low sodium diet
taking all medications as per instructions
follow up with doctor and monitor any kind of symptoms or changes
JessicaL Community Admin
Last Updated:
Great advice, @epiphany75! Thanks for sharing with the community! -Jessica, Team Member
smithwilfer Member
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CommunityMember57508c Member
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So appreciative of your advice. My cardiologist has given me a medical time line which is maybe one year.. I know God has the finale say - I live by faith and secondly follow my doctors instructions-but I do have my moments. Merry Christmas, Joan Kimbell
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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jojackre Member
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Take a positive attitude. Do what you have always done. You can, but accept you will be slower. Accept help when it is offered. Take exercise but do it in a group then you will have a social group and you will make new friends and look forward to the exercise days. Having a common aim and a bit of a gossip is good for you! I feel my time is limited and I intend to use it to enjoy myself.
JessicaL Community Admin
Last Updated:
These are all amazing tips, @jojackre! Thank you so much for sharing with the community! -Jessica, Team Member
Leslie Castro Member
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Richard Camer Member
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I know in the beginning it was very hard to see beyond the things I could not do following my MI and CHF diagnosis. Try to focus on what you can do -- whether it is getting up to the bathroom by yourself or going for a short walk. Then try to add a little bit over time. Mastery builds confidence. And don't beat yourself up. I revived an old hobby (balsa airplanes), take periodic field trips to museums, and try to do some form of exercise every day -- even if it is just a walk. In my experience, my condition really started to improve after completing the 12 week cardiac rehab program. The exercises are tailored to what you can do and your heart is monitored the entire time for safety. I highly recommend it if you can tolerate it.
paulwilfer Member
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lauren.mullin Community Admin
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