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CABG after emergency stenting 50 years old father had emergency PCI to LCX 1 month ago but he continues to have back and chest pain he is also fatigued . Upon consulting a doctor, we found out that his other two main arteries are also 80% blocked and doctor suggested bypass. I want to know if bypass is the best option or is their Any alternative. his E.F is 50% and please I also want to know of its urgent or we have time to plan. He has Chronic hypertension but he does not have diabetes, COPD or any kidney disease.

  1. Hi. Thank you for engaging in conversation here and for your inquiry. As I am sure you already know, we cannot diagnose over the Internet for your and your father's own safety of course. It is normal to think of questions like yours (and it is a good one) after a doctor makes such a recommendation. I have done this myself after leaving my appointments. I think your next course of action is to talk to your father's doctor, who knows him best. Your options here may include asking for a follow up appointment so you can ask questions that you have come up with. Or, another option is to email your father's doctor the question exactly as you posed here. I am certain his doctor will answer your question that you have. What do you think? John. community moderator.

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