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Heart failure and sepsis

My brother has congestive heart failure and recently hospitalized he has sepsis. His refraction is 20 percent. I don't know how to help. Can anyone suggest anything?

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. This news must be so difficult for you. I'd love for others to chime in who have shared your experience, but I wanted to share a few thoughts.

    There are going to be many things out of your control in his journey with heart failure, so remember to focus on the things you can control (easily said than done, I know!).

    Please don't forget to take care of yourself during this difficult time. You can't pour from an empty cup! Stay in touch and keep us updated on how he/you are doing.

    Jessica - Team Member

    1. Welcome to the heart failure community. Thank you for sharing. While in the hospital post transplant, I had to recover from surgery plus multiple complications and one of them was sepsis. During this time, I listened to upbeat music to motivate me during this rough period and read motivational quotes throughout the day to keep me going even through very depressing times directly post transplant. And with the help and support of my family and friends interacting with me through the rough times, it helped immensely with depression. Leslie (Community Moderator)

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