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Painful swelling around ankles

The swelling around one ankle has enlarged, feels hard & hurts to walk. This just started this am. Internet research says 'This is not good'. Before I panic I was wondering if anyone has had this problem.

  1. I've had this happen to me before, on one leg my calf and my ankle were enlarged while in the ER. The doctors gave me Lasix to get rid of the fluid that was building up on my left leg. My advice is to let your cardiologist know whats going on and they will take it from there and hopefully discuss treatment options with you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I hope this response helped you! -Olivia

    1. Yes it was helpful. I'll talk to my cardiologist tomorrow. I wasn't sure if I should go to er or wait. Oddly it quit hurting but slowly getting more swollen. Just so many weird symptoms. My cardiologist said with my tumor there's no symptoms but obviously that's not true. He was reading that from a report but having a fatty tumor in my heart & heart is enlarged is going to cause problems. Since it's so rare studies haven't been done on it.

    2. I know the feeling of things not hurting anymore when I get to the doctor or the ER. Is it a tumor and heart failure that you were diagnosed with?

  2. Both. The fatty tumor has taken over my heart & grown between the walls & into one chamber. Also it's severely cutting off major artery that goes through middle of heart. In response my heart enlarged & thickened it's walls.

    1. I'm so aggravated. Cardiologist says he doesn't see how my symptoms are heart related. Never mind my bruised & swollen ankles, palpitations & can't breath. Also he doesn't see why I need palliative care. I walked out on him. Now I'll find that specialist we talked about. To be continued. LOL

    2. I am sorry to hear that it was such a frustrating appointment. You can always get a second opinion, with a cardiologist and/or advanced heart failure doctor. Good luck! Morgan ( Moderator)

  3. Please make sure your physician care team knows of any swelling or other changes to skin, limbs, breathing, etc. I also have edema on my legs, and sometimes my hands and face as well when I wake up in the mornings. Personally, as a HHP I use an essential oil blend (that has been cleared for interactions with my medications) and it has been helping me a great deal. I wish you all the best and remember, you can always get a second (or third) opinion if you are unsatisfied or want confirmation from your doctor.

    1. Yesterday my upper calf swelled up & hurt for most of the day. I kept it elivated & iced. Today it's fine. Why does that happen. I was afraid it was a blood clot.

  4. That is a possibility and something that needs to be addressed by your physician as soon as possible. Be sure you fully understand the signs of a blood clot for your situation too. I have had a few scares myself and it is better to be safe than sorry! I find my swelling varies on my activity level along with what I eat/don't eat.

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