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Temperature makes healthy hearts

Ive been looking into a needle that changes blood temperature and at first doctors denied temperature affects the heart but now im getting replies that for $1-10million they'd make such a needle when really it costs very little
Its the same as heating and cooling a drink
The reason for heart attacks is the heart cant heat blood in the stomach enough and the blood goes back into the heart same as a overflowing toilet
A needle to change blood temperature would cure many heart problems by heating and cooling blood to the lungs which send oxygen to the heart
Thats why when people have heart attacks their body temperature rises to try and push the contents in the stomach and thats why they pump a persons stomach when they fall unconscious and not to sound grim thats why the body becomes cold when a person dies and if we heated the blood it would push the blood in the place of the heart

  1. This is an interesting concept that you discuss here. It would be neat if something as simple as warming the blood would cure "many heart problems" as you say. I have, at times, seen ER doctors order cooling of the blood after someone experiences a cardiac arrest. Although, I have not heard warming of the blood as a technique for treating heart problems. Do you have any research that you would be willing to share on this topic? John. community moderator

    1. im glad you know about this
      Blood.goes from high to low temperature and when it makes oxygen release to the heart
      Here are gloves that do the same thing

      But obviously a needle would be more convenient in emergencies
      Hopefully you will either help me fund raise to have the needle made or bring awareness
      The needle also cures a large range of preventable illnesses

  2. This article is very interesting and grabbed my attention, have you done more research ?
    Kimberly ( Team)

    1. I do research all the time into body temperature regulation by increasing and decreasing body temperature
      Hopefully you will help me either fund raise or bring awareness that we can make a needle that controls blood temperature
      A heart attack is when the heart cant heat and cool blood in the stomach which is why they pump a persons stomach when they fall unconscious
      A needle to change blood temperature also cures a lot of preventable illnesses

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