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Tight chess and SOB

I am 26 yo male 25 stone lost 2 stone in past 2 months I have high blood pressure which on ramiprill for and I take lanzoprazole,January 1st started getting what feels like eptopic beats wher my heart would stop for a second before beating again week later started getting mild shortness of breathe. For pass week sob have been very bad I can’t lie down without feeling I’m being restricted and I can’t sleep as I feel like I can’t breathe, I can’t walk as far anymore without being out of breathe. I’ve had ecg done with was normal doctor listen to chest and said sounds clear and heart sounds normal had chest x ray done last week which was normal. I constantly feel like I’m being restricted on breathing and chest pains stabbing. I just feel like there is an issue with my heart which is getting worse but no doctor is listening or believing me.

  1. Hi and thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to give medical advice. However, it may be helpful to find a doctor that you can connect with. Wishing you all the best, Lauren (Team Member)

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