Hi sorry unsure if right place but can’t find anywhere online when looking for awaiting diagnosis of heart issues etc. Sorry for any typos on my iPhone, I have just turned 30 few months ago since 2015 I have had very abnormal ECGS in and out hospital with what I call them as episodes as have not been close until recently knowing what’s going on. In 2015 was rushed in with chest pain had a high D-Dimer and my ECG showed multiple t wave inversions and ST depression, at the time they thought I was having a heart attack/PE after 5 days in hospital for then getting treated for a PE after scans etc it turned out I didn’t have a clot and this was what they now call my normal ECG so ever since then my ECGs all show this as the cardiologist says it looks like on paper that I’m having a heart attack or looks like a PE. I have had countless echos Tapes etc. It wasn’t until I moved back home with my fiancé closer to family at the start of the first lockdown my care got moved to new local hospital and I got my care transferred to a brilliant cardiologist consultant who has been nothing short of amazing and he says my ECGS are not normal which they have always said to me but in past I was just told when you have an episode just come to hospital which isn’t ideal but this consultant wants to get to the bottom of what’s going on I do have heart issues in my family so they have been looking down all routes. Plus it’s no way to live and it’s quite scary I have just had another echo done had a few before my last one two years ago showed mild regurgitation I don’t know what that means🙈 my recent one still not had results just had another tape put on this time I have it for one month I have had about ten of these now. I am also awaiting an mri and I recently done a stress test which he wasn’t 100% happy with, I have been told by him I cannot exercise at the moment and can only walk really and not anything to uphill. My only current symptoms is I have massive flutters like when you go over a hill and tightness and arm pain this comes and goes and has done for the last several years. Cardiology nurse at my last hospital said they think I could have had a silent cardiac event that’s left my ECG this way but that makes no sense to me and I’m not medically educated to even know if that’s possible. I know that they have always mentioned they think it’s the “ plumbing” side with the issue but I know the tapes pick up the electrical side, They have not picked up any abnormal or worrying arrhythmias which he said is good but the inversions and so on they are not happy with, I also have st segment changes that don’t progress during my stress test. I’m hoping I’m close to a diagnosis they mentioned a type of cardiomyopathy I think that’s what it’s called I could be completely wrong. I am just looking for some advice or a hand hold as I am feeling very unfit especially now I cannot exercise I know I can eat better but has anyone got any tips on what else I can do to stay healthy and feel healthier as exercise was great for my mental health & I have put on weight during lockdown which can’t be helping and I have an eating disorder binge eating which is also a trigger with the anxiety of all this going on. Sorry this was a long post and I hope everyone is well and taking care. Sorry again if none of the above make sense I just pick up certain things at my appointments.
Thank you
Take care 💜❤️