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Latoya Johnson Keelen, PhD
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What is one side effect from your heart failure medication that you hate having but wouldn't give it up if it guaranteed living longer?
dave570 Member
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Low blood pressure meds make me tired early evenings. I nod out on my recliner by 8-830 PM. I am on two low BP meds. Hopefully, one of these will not be needed after the first year from my heart attack.
Latoya Johnson Keelen, PhD Member
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dave570 Member
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So I figured out how to take all my meds without getting too tired or too dizzy. My heart doctor congratulated me on figuring it out. He should have told me long ago. I have 24 hours to take pills. I used to take half after breakfast and half after dinner. Now I spread it out over the day and evening. I now take my morning meds in shifts. Some after breakfast, some right before lunch. I now take my evening meds in shifts too. Some after dinner and some after dessert. By spreading them out, I don't get tired and I don't feel dizzy anymore. It took me 3 months to figure this out lol.
lauren.mullin Community Admin
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CommunityMember3d3dc2 Member
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Donna14 Member
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I take about 40 different meds daily. I didn’t know when I became an RN that all I learned during work would benefit me as a heart failure patient. I don’t like being a patient. I was a cardiac /trauma nurse and taught paramedics arrhythmia. And I could read EKG’s well. I resent this part of life. I’m not happy one little bit. I’m depressed to be honest. Little freedom. I’m going to stop living like a dying person and live life to its fullest.
JessicaL Community Admin
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Richard Camer Member
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CommunityMember1626 Member
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I had some very severe side effects from one of my meds. It was as if I had been poisoned. I called the doctor's office and he took me off that med. I have other side effects such as those mentioned above, and I am willing to tolerate them if it buys me more time. But that was beyond the pale.
CommunityMember1626 Member
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The prescription that was causing the extreme side effects was Farxiga. I had not been taking it for long. I have only been seeing an advanced heart failure specialist for three months now. Symptoms were nausea, severe dizziness and diarrhea, and I was shaking very badly, like a severe tremor. It was as if I had been fed a poison. I started to feel better three days after discontinuing the medication.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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