My story is wrapped around the question: What have I learned from my years with CHF. I’ve read other peoples experiences and the worst, in my opinion, is being told you have 3 to 5 years to live. What an awful thing to have hanging over your head. I can’t remember when I was diagnosed, it’s been at least 5 years, I can’t remember when I got my pacemaker and I can’t remember ever waking up and thinking about how much time I have left. I leave that to God.
I am an 83 year old man who has experienced more ill health than most. Most of these share the same symptoms so what do I blame my aches and pains on, what’s causing my shortness of breath or fatigue? The answer is that I can’t come up with an answer and when any of these happen I simply respond with what I know will calm it down. Things I cope with are; COPD, CHF, stage 4 lung cancer, Ankylosing spondylitis, stage 3 kidney disease and more, I’m sure. Each one of these have symptoms similar to CHF. Which disease is worse? I don’t know, nor will I waste my time worrying about which one will put me in my grave. When my time comes I’ll be ready. I’m fortunate in that I’ve lived a longer than expected life, accomplished some and failed some. Most importantly, my life is a gift and I have not a single worry about CHF. If it doesn’t get me something else will.
My best wishes to all CHF patients and I pray each will find the way to live their best life with minimal worry.