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I started exercises at a gym 6 weeks ago and also started walking. I bought a bike (2-wheeler), fell once and am afraid of it now. At age 82 I do not want any broken bones! I now have a pedal-assist tricycle and hope to get at least some additional exercises to loose some weight.
It would be interesting to know what some of you are doing to stay fit and/or improve your health.
Thanks 😊

  1. I can understand not wanting any broken bones for sure. The gym intimidates me, always have because of the pace others go and I'am far from it. Me personally I exercise at home and walk the track at the local park sometimes. I also do the one mile walk on YouTube by Leslie Sansone. Its my favorite!
    Kimberly ( Team)

    1. Thanks for your reply! I was certainly the oldest at the gym 😁(youngest was 12). I have to check out Sansone on YouTube. Steppie

      1. When the virus messed up the gym I bought a recumbent exercise bike. The bike lets you recline instead of sitting straight up like a regular exercycle bike. I find doing my exercises at home is much more convenient. I am 82 also Steppie.

        1. Thanks for responding. Ironant - interesting name. Do you like your recumbent bike?
          My routine (I am working on it 🤨) will be walking, the trike and just daily activities.
          It is more convenient to do exercise at

          1. Hi, Have you tried water aerobics or water walking? Exercising in the water is low impact and is great for your cardiovascular health. Personally I enjoy strength training. All the best, Lauren (Team Member)

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