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Has heart failure affected your mental health? What has helped you cope?

There is a direct connection between emotional and physical health. Having a chronic illness is associated with increases in depression and anxiety, which can then lead to more physical health problems.

It is totally normal to experience mental health struggles with a chronic illness. Tell us how living with heart failure has affected your mental health. Have you found anything that brings you peace? Share below!

  1. One of my friend was facing same problem. There is only one thig that can brings you peace is "be positive" Train your mind daily that you are getting better day by day.

    1. I'm glad that you found something that motivates you! Just FYI, cardiac rehab told me that weight lifting is also good for your health overall as you age, it's good for heart and bone health. Just FYI! Morgan ( Moderator)

    2. yep. I know and the stronger bones help prevent falls or injury when you do fall. I’ve been procrastinating on the weights, did my 600 already so going to the weight room later if I still feel good. I’ve gotten into weights b4 years ago and it too gets addictive after a few weeks so I’m looking forward to actually wanting to do it like i currently feel about my stationary. Bike exercise. 700 calories this am to make up for a bigger than intended breakfast.

  2. I wake up every morning that I have a purpose in life and live like it's my last and I have a good support system

    1. TomMcGraw, Life lifer like you are dying, great song and I don’t like country although it’s growing on me.

    2. Tom McGraw. 2 I like “ live life like you are dying” and “ Always be humble and kind”. Country growing on me too!- slowly

  3. I am too in Heart Fsilure low ejection fraction. I have anxiety issues. On top of all medical issues, my Mom passed away 09-2022 and my Dad 12-2022, my only sibling passed away in 1989. I have 2 grown sons who work 6-7 days a week. My biggest issue is someone to talk to, to listen. I am ALONE 80% of the week. The 20% is Cardiac Rehab, Dr appointments or groceries. Friends I had no longer stop by,rarely xall or ask me to lunch even. I am in total isolation too much. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please.

    1. I am sorry to hear that you are going through isolation as well. Keep on fighting though and meeting people. I can attest that they are definitely harder to find, but good people are out there. Maybe a volunteering situation where you can drop it for however long you can, when you can? That way you can go at your own pace, and meet the same people to try to get to know them a little? Plus, people who volunteer might be a little more understanding overall. Morgan ( Moderator)

    2. It has been awhile so I just wanted to check in. How are you doing these days? Morgan ( Moderator)

  4. Friends will use the term " keep fighting". Fighting really is not the issue. Being at peace, accepting your situation and limits, and having gratitude for. all of the blessings of my life. Really, for me, that is much more effective than "fighting". I have alot of outdoor activities I can still do, just not like I used to. I accept that. Thanks

    1. well said and I am the same way. I am incredibly grateful to be alive and there is no cure so there is no fight to be had. I’m in acceptance, God’s will etc. but am still going to enjoy my life on the good days and get over the bad days.

    2. I am glad that you are at peace, which seems like that means that you can take the good and bad. Enjoy! Morgan ( Moderator)

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