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Heart extra beat or sinking feeling

I am 51 years old male, in 2022 December I got stents in my three main arteries and now I’m on blood thinner medications, low cholesterol and low blood pressure medication. I’m doing well nothing is bothering me during my routine task and even exercising except once in a while I feel a little hiccup or a sinking feeling in my heart beati g which is not painful but it bothers me, sometime It’s like every hour or two and sometimes It’s once in a day can you explain? Should I be worried about? I did my regular stress test and ultrasound, ECG everything was fine as per my doctor .

  1. Thank you for sharing. Did you tell your doctor about this? Have you heard of a heart palpitation? See an article here if you would like more information. As an aside, good for you as it sounds like you are adjusting to your new reality! Morgan ( Moderator)

    1. Welcome to our community and thanks for sharing your story with us. I would keep a log for every time you feel the extra beats and go over them with your cardiologist. Also have you had a holter monitor before? You wear it on your body and it can identify irregular heart beats. My doctors gave me one for 7 days when I have having a similar issue. It helped them see the activity of my heart over a longer period of time. With that being said I would speak to your cardiologist if its something that is really bothering you. I hope that this answered your question. I wish you all the best. -Olivia

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