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Heart Problems, Tachycardia, Blood Pressure and Bradycardia

Hello my name is Adam and am 28 years old and I’ve been suffering with Heart and Blood Pressure problems for a while now. My first problem started when I was 16 years old o was at the gym one day doing weights and my heart Rate went super fast like it was going too come out of my chest. I had all health tests and they could never find what caused it.

A couple of years later I decided to go on Anabolic Steroids (Bad choice I know) what happened was all my heart problems believe it or not went away, I never had any Tachycardia events or problems whilst taking steroids.

6 months ago I decided to quit steroid use for good as my and my partner are going to have baby and I’ve also decided enough is enough with the bodybuilding. When I first come off testosterone I was okay but after a month I started to notice my heart was struggling. Then a couple more weeks later I started to have Tachycardia events again like when I was 16. This time they was happening more often.

I went to my GP and seen a cardiologist and they realised my Blood Pressure was high but I had Postural Hypertension which means it drops when I stand up. The problem with this is if they treat my high blood pressure when I stand it could drop into my boots causing me to pass out so am on a very low dosage of Ramipril for my BP.

Anyway my Cardiologist decided to book me in for some test one was an ETT (Exercise Tolerant Test) surprisingly during the ETT I never went into a Tachycardia heart rhythm which is the problem I want to be found and corrected as it’s very scary when it happens. When they did an echo on my they noticed my Ventricle was slightly enlarged which is the cause of my High Blood Pressure. On Average I get Around 145/90.

Other then that all my other tests have not found what is causing the Tachycardia, I am still currently waiting on a 24 hour heart monitor test.

I think I may of found out what causes my Tachycardia, they seem to trigger when I bend down and stand up or put my body under any pressure. This makes me think are these events linked to my blood pressure and has anyone else have this stuff happen to them ?

I really am trying too find the problem and a cure as I want to live a normal life and be able to exercise again, please can people give me advise or help me with what they think it could be.

Last thing and this one is a little embarrassing but it is true !, when I have sexual intercourse or masterbate my heart rate drops to really slow heavy beats and I feel like am Bradycardia ? I have heard sexual activity can raise blood pressure but why does my adrenaline when it kicks in slow my heart down not speed it up like normal people ???.

I think I have multiple problems to be honest I just don’t know which is doing what, my biggest concern and worry is the Tachycardia.

Thank you for readingTachycardia

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