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Scripts for eliquis, metoprolol, spitonolactone and flecainide

I am past frustrated with my GP. These drugs are costing me over $350 per month! And that is WITH the lousy part D drug plan!

I can get all them from a Canadian pharmacy…but my doc refuses to fax the script to them. This is legal both in USA and Canada.

My experience has been if I try to tell a Doc what to do, they dig in their heels…so, I am not demanding…just re-emphasized that I cannot afford these drug prices in the USA. I am borrowing money to pay for them now. And..once the donut hole comes around again…I will have to quit taking them. (No way I can pay $5,000 for those drugs in the donut hole).

Btw…the Canadian prices are just $120 per month for the brands, and $94 per month for the generics.

What can I do to get these scripts faxed before I run out again? What can I say? Anyone know a resource I can point to that proves it is Ok for her to fax these scripts?

I thought about trying to get the scripts on paper and fax it myself…but, she says her office can only fax over the scripts.

Changing Docs might be the right answer….but, I would be looking at about a month before I could get an initial visit…
And then start over again without a clear idea that I won’t run into this again, meanwhile I run of drugs.

  1. Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling to pay for you medications. Do you think you could try to find a doctor in the same practice that would send your prescriptions to Canada? Medication prices in our country are expensive to manage, especially with multiple medications. I'm linking an article that discusses different ways to manage your healthcare expenses. I hope that you find it helpful! Good luck! -Lauren (team member)

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