I am past frustrated with my GP. These drugs are costing me over $350 per month! And that is WITH the lousy part D drug plan!
I can get all them from a Canadian pharmacy…but my doc refuses to fax the script to them. This is legal both in USA and Canada.
My experience has been if I try to tell a Doc what to do, they dig in their heels…so, I am not demanding…just re-emphasized that I cannot afford these drug prices in the USA. I am borrowing money to pay for them now. And..once the donut hole comes around again…I will have to quit taking them. (No way I can pay $5,000 for those drugs in the donut hole).
Btw…the Canadian prices are just $120 per month for the brands, and $94 per month for the generics.
What can I do to get these scripts faxed before I run out again? What can I say? Anyone know a resource I can point to that proves it is Ok for her to fax these scripts?
I thought about trying to get the scripts on paper and fax it myself…but, she says her office can only fax over the scripts.
Changing Docs might be the right answer….but, I would be looking at about a month before I could get an initial visit…
And then start over again without a clear idea that I won’t run into this again, meanwhile I run of drugs.