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Share Tips and Tricks for Managing a Low-Sodium Diet

What are some of the ways you manage a low-sodium diet? Share tips and tricks for cooking heart-healthy meals or tracking sodium intake here.

  1. That’s was a great read Morgan. I liked learning what u shared about the various spices. I have found a definite cause and affect regarding what I eat and whether I’m swelled and water weight heavier the next day. Do as you said and all is good.

    1. Thank you for following up, and I'm happy that you feel like you have some agency in how you feel. That is the way I look at it at least, instead of focusing on all the limitations. Morgan ( Moderator)

    2. Thank you for sharing! Some of that kind of thing gets SO pricey. If you have the time, you really can make a lot of it yourself with no sodium. It's not hard, just takes some planning and time. What are the top condiments that you use most often? Morgan ( Moderator)

  2. well, I’m just learning which is why I liked your post about the herbs and spices. I don’t have much to share except I found DASH to be good on some things. They have at least 3 flavors. Original, garlicky and a spicy one that is hot. Italion seasoning is good on lots of stuff as is basil , garlic powder and thyme. I’m in experimental phase here.

    1. perfect. I’ll order some

    2. I'm glad I could help! Amazon can be helpful even for food items as well. Morgan ( Moderator)

  3. I tried to type a response but it was too long. So for those folks out there who wonder that it was, it was tips I learned from living 64 years on a low sodium diet. A wealth of information lost to technical limitations. 🙁

    1. Hi Jim, this happens to the best of us. We are just happy to have you as a member of this community! All the best, Lauren (team member)

  4. I'm so sorry that you lost your response! Do you want to share the top few things you were going to mention? I'm sure a lot of us would love to glean some knowledge from your 64 year of low sodium eating! How are you feeling these days? Morgan ( Moderator)

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