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Stent blockage

Does anyone have a problem with stents becoming blocked? What was done? Can it be fixed? My dr has seemed to dismiss me telling me it is hereditary and nothing can be done. I would like to know if this is common. Thank you.

  1. Hi there and thanks for posting your question here. I hope I'm not too intrusive by asking a question. Did your doctor tell you that your stent was blocked? Were you having chest pain? We are unable to give medical advice, but I would consider getting a second opinion, especially if you are having chest pain. I'm linking an article that may help you gather some further information. All the best, Lauren (team member)

    1. I'm sorry you're going through this. It's important to seek a second opinion if you feel dismissed.
      Many factors can affect stents and treatments vary.
      Finding a proactive specialist could provide more insight and options.

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