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Seeking Natural Methods for Unblocking Heart Arteries

Hello, I am new here.

I just joined because my recent cardio stress test shows I have blockages, but I am allergic to iodine and x-rays, and thus I cannot undergo stench insertion procedure.

I am looking for natural methods to clearing blocked arteries, like diet, supplements, therapies, and such. I would appreciate any input or ideas members and experts of this forum can provide.

Thank you.

  1. Hi. Welcome to our community. I understand your concern about blockages and your allergy to iodine and x-rays. It's essential to discuss your specific situation with your doctor to explore alternative options that align with your health needs and limitations. While waiting for expert advice, some people consider adopting heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Here is an article that offers some tips regarding developing a heart healthy diet ( Natural supplements like omega-3 fatty acids ( and CoQ10 ( are sometimes discussed in this community, but their effectiveness can vary, and it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating them. Remember, individual health situations can differ, so it's importantl to work closely with your doctor to create a plan that suits your specific needs. What do you think? Your well-being is the top priority. Best wishes on your health journey. John. community moderator.

    1. , I have been following the DASH diet for many years, and I "passed" the cardio stress tests until lately. I have been taking supplements like D3, zinc, omega 3 oil, green shake superfood methodically. I am looking into supplements like Nitric Oxide to address my poor circulation, and I wonder what you and the friends on this forum may say about that. Also, I wonder why eggs and egg whites are excluded from the diets outlined on the link you provided. Years ago I read researches showing that cholesterol is not the problem, but rather the solution the body applies to pad thin artery walls that were weakened and damaged by inflammation. Alleviating chronic inflammation is what seems to make the DASH diet work. Please comment on this point as well if you have a different perspective. Thank you.

  2. Hello! I went through our site and selected some articles that may be helpful for you. I also wanted to note that you should also talk to your doctors about this as well. All the best! -Olivia

    1. I am looking into supplements like Nitric Oxide to address my poor circulation, and I wonder what the friends on this forum may say about that. Also, I wonder why eggs and egg whites are excluded from the diets advocated for heart health. Years ago I read researches showing that cholesterol is not the problem, but rather the solution the body applies to pad thin artery walls that were weakened and damaged by inflammation. Alleviating chronic inflammation is what seems to make the DASH diet work. What seems to be the issue with eggs?

      1. Hi! How are you today? Apologies for the delayed response—I just noticed your comment now. You're absolutely right about the evolving understanding of cholesterol's role in heart health. While eggs do contain dietary cholesterol, recent research suggests their impact on heart health may not be as significant as previously thought, especially when enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. If you're interested, one of my colleagues wrote an informative article on this topic that you might find helpful. I will post a link to it here if you want to check it out. (

        Regarding whether to include eggs in your diet or consider supplements like nitric oxide, I believe it's essential to have a discussion with your doctor -- who knows you best and can provide personalized advice based on your individual health needs and goals. Wishing you all the best! John. community moderator.

    2. Iam a new use , Still i cross this heart arteries , i share my answer , Now my age is 45 . Still iam healthy by doing excercise , eating vegitables , daily yoga for 30 min . I follow this daily , I suggest to do exercise for some time it will help you heart to pump for a new life

      1. Regular exercise and making good food choices are great lifestyle adjustments to make for a healthier lifestyle. How long have you been practicing yoga? -Lauren (team member)

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