Heart Failure 101: A Guide to Educate and Spread Awareness
February is heart failure awareness month. What better way to honor this important time than by helping our community members to spread awareness through education?
If you have heart failure, you may have tried to explain to friends, loved ones, caregivers, or other people in your life what heart failure is and how it impacts you. Without the lived experience, it may be difficult for someone to understand. Although they may not ever fully understand the impact that heart failure has had in your life, it may be helpful to guide them toward resources that can help paint the picture.
We've compiled some of our top informational articles and articles about firsthand experiences with heart failure to create a guide that you can share with others to help spread awareness and knowledge about heart failure.
If you've been sent this article by a loved one, please take the time to read through the sections and click on articles that can educate you on the basics of the condition, as well as the emotional and physical impact it may be having on your loved one.
Understanding the basics of heart failure
We understand that a doctor explaining heart failure may include a lot of medical jargon that is hard to follow or understand, especially when you or a loved one is in the moment of diagnosis. Searching for information online may also be confusing. Here are some basics of heart failure all in one easy-to-access place:
Here are some symptoms that someone who has heart failure may experience. Having a better understanding of symptoms can help you to support them and what they may be feeling:
- What Are Common Symptoms of Heart Failure?
- What Are Common Warning Signs of Heart Failure?
- Heart Failure Symptoms by Stage and Class
- An Overview of Complications and Comorbidities of Heart Failure
Testing and diagnosis
A person with heart failure may be nervous about some of the testing that they may have to undergo. Here is some information about the testing and diagnosis process that people may experience. Having this information may help you to support them through any anxiety they may be having, understand something they've gone through, or ask questions that they can ask their doctors:
You may be wondering about the types of treatment options that a person with heart failure has. Learn more about the possible treatment of heart failure in these articles:
- How Is Heart Failure Treated?
- Medications for Heart Failure
- Implanted/Monitoring Devices
- Surgery for Heart Failure
- Alternative Therapies for Heart Failure
Living with heart failure: The impact
People with heart failure experience physical and emotional changes that they have to endure. Their lives are impacted in many ways, including their daily routines, diets, relationships, and sometimes careers – just to name a few. Read about some of the lifestyle changes people with heart failure sometimes have to make:
- Lifestyle Changes and Heart Failure
- Living With Heart Failure
- Living With an Implantable Device
- Life After a Hospitalization
Support is one of the most important parts of a person's journey with heart failure. Support can be shown in many different ways, from many different people.
Chances are if you are seeing this article, you are already supporting or interested in supporting someone with heart failure. Two ways you can support someone who has heart failure is by educating yourself on the condition and being there as a shoulder to lean on.
In our community, we have Health Leaders who share their personal experiences with heart failure. They do this so those living with the condition, their loved ones, and their caregivers can better understand the journey. Everyone's journey is different. But you can read some of our Health Leader team's articles to get new perspectives and comment on them to learn more!
You can look at our Health Leader bios and articles here.
Some articles they've written about support are:
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