stress testI am a 77 yr old man in reasonable health, but weigh 295 lbs. A yr ago following indigestion, I was given a treadmill stress test. Although the doctor said...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesHealthcare Team
Talked to Rachel this morning!My cardiologist’s underling told me this morning by phone that they want to just control my arrhythmia using just drugs. Seems her main concern was why I was not taking...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiagnosis
MV prolapse regurgitation Hello 47 year old, 2.5 years ago I was diagnosed with MV regurgitation with prolapse. I dont have symptoms like shortness of breath . 6 months before this I was...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesHealthcare TeamSurgeryNewly Diagnosed
Early detection of fluids in the lung?Hi, Regarding early detection of fluids in the lung as early signs of heart failure - I stumbled upon Sensible Medical's ReDS vest system ( that is...). Is there any...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Update - doc stopped beta blockersAfter a couple of instances of angina (he and I think so anyway), and swelling in his lower legs and abdomen, my other half had the doc appointment on Friday...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesNewly DiagnosedSide Effects
CAD7 years ago I was diagnosed with CAD, multiple blockages, unable to stent, put on meds. Since then I've hiked 48- 4,000' mountains in NH, 20 mountains in Vt, hiked...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSurgery
Bipap for sleeping and daily bouts of shortness of breathMy husband has been gaining relief from shortness of breath for a couple months by using a bipap machine. We’re curious if others use this machine as part of their...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesMedical DevicesSleepTreatment
. I am 72 I never even knew that to his fish had so many milligrams of sodium. But with three major illnesses I have to watch everythingOn 11/12/21 I passed out. Woke up in ICU. Doctor told my husband he could not do surgery that I was not making off the table alive so I ended...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesNewly DiagnosedCoping
Narrow pulse pressure with CHFHello everyone, My mother has recently been diagnosed with HFrEF. The primary cause are multiple silent MIs that she was unaware of until an acute decompensation event a few months...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesEjection FractionNewly DiagnosedSymptoms
ExercisingI started exercises at a gym 6 weeks ago and also started walking. I bought a bike (2-wheeler), fell once and am afraid of it now. At age 82 I...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesExerciseLifestyle Changes