Need to know more about coronary heart disease Just found out the other day that I have mild to moderate coronary heart disease with 50perent blockage in my left anterior the main artery I think I am so...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesNewly Diagnosed
I'd like to start a forum or online chat location for people with heart problems.I've lived with heart problems for over 20 years. Most of the time it's been tolerable, but it's not without issue. Suffered two heart attacks, and now live with heart...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesEjection FractionLifestyle ChangesMedical Devices
Labored breathHas anyone had so much trouble breathing that you can’t do anything?...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesSymptomsCoping
heart failure and high blood pressure diagnosis2 weeks ago i was diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart failure. i had requested to see a new cardiologist so my old cardiologist never told me i had...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessExerciseCoping
My Ef dropped is that normal When I first had my Stemi with congestive heart failure my EF was 30 then it went up to 50 now it’s back to 38 it has me nervous I...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Well had Covid again last week Still getting over it. It attacked my heart last time & gave me chf. I was given antiviral medicine this time. This is day 7. But I’m feeling like I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesNewly Diagnosed
Heart failure / bladder controlFor some reason I have lost bladder control since heart attack. I can handle alot of things but I'm very depressed over this...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesDepression
losing weight/HFI am so worried. I am losing muscle mass, especially on my arms. I understand it's one of the results of HF. On the other hand, I did change my...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesSymptoms
HF and Thankful Very thankful for this discussion forum, to be able to share our experiences with others that understand. I had Covid (February 2020) weeks before all of the toilet paper craze...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Abnormal ECG, Do I have heart faliure.Male white 6ft 27 yo very obese 26 stone. UK This last week and manily past few days been having reaaly bad shortness of breathe feels like im being restricted...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies